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Interlaken Fire is 100% contained at 704 acres 06-24-2024
Interlaken Fire
Publication Type: Announcement - 06/24/2024 - 19:00
Today, firefighters were successful in using fire to clean up an unburned area of the fire on the north end. Burning started mid-morning and firefighters completed ignitions around noon. Smoke was visible during the day, and currently is minimal. AirNow is reporting good air quality in Twin Lakes. The Interlaken Fire is now 100% contained at 704 acres and 84 fire personnel. Tomorrow morning the Type 3 Incident Management Team will transition to a Type 4 organization.
For public safety, the Forest Service closure remains in effect for the burned area and surrounding recreation areas.
Interlaken Fire INFORMATION
USFS Leadville Ranger District: 719-486-0749
Facebook: (“Interlaken Fire Information”)