Cooler weather and increased cloud cover minimized fire behavior on the Halfway Hill Fire on Thursday. Despite the improved conditions, the fire is still very active and the area and road closure is still in effect. Recreationalists are urged to be aware of changing conditions and closures and to check intended travel routes before heading out this weekend. Please remember there is heavy fire traffic on roads in the area, particularly in the early morning and late evening hours.
Firefighters are making progress containing the western edge of the perimeter and continuing to patrol contained line near the residences. They are also working directly along the southern perimeter, using hand tools to build fireline. On the northern side of the fire, in Chalk Canyon, fire crews and heavy equipment (such as dozers) are constructing indirect fireline. Indirect fireline is used when the terrain and vegetation make suppressing the fire adjacent to the active edge unsafe or ineffective. As the fire approaches the indirect fireline, firefighters will take action to suppress the fire. This strategy allows fire managers to take advantage of roads and natural features, such as ridges and meadows, to stop fire spread. Today’s weather is expected to be slightly cooler than yesterday. However, moisture will begin leaving the area as a warmer and drier air mass returns. Temperatures will return to the high 90s, once again causing vegetation to dry out and burn more readily. Firefighters are seizing the opportunity provided by the more favorable weather conditions and preparing for an increase in fire behavior once the weather gets very hot again. There has still been no reported damage to recreation sites in Chalk Canyon. And local officials are beginning plans for rehabilitation of the landscape once the threat of the fire has passed. Community Meeting Tonight: Members of the Incident Management Team, community leaders, and agency representatives will be on hand to provide an overview of fire suppression activities and answer questions. The meeting will also be broadcast via Facebook Live ( When: Friday, July 15, 7 PM
Where: City of Fillmore’s North Park Pavilion, 460 North Main Closure: The Fishlake National Forest has a closure order in place in the vicinity of the Halfway Hill Fire. The closure order, including a full description of the trails, roads, and areas closed, along with maps are available at