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July 18 Jacob City Fire Daily Update
Jacob City
Publication Type: News -
Yesterday, crews achieved 92 percent containment as firefighters made significant progress on the Jacob City Fire. Suppression repair continued, using specialized equipment. This effort includes ensuring dozer lines and other areas impacted while actively fighting the fire are repaired and seeded. Helicopters shuttled some crews that were camped out on the fireline down to the valley for demobilization. Aviation resources also continued backhaul of equipment and resources.
Fire behavior remained limited to smoldering and creeping, as it has over the last few days. Heavy fuels continue to consume on north slopes of the Soldier Creek drainage and Sharp Mountain.Today, crews will continue looking for hot spots and working to improve containment.
A drawdown of resources remains underway as that containment rapidly increases.
In the next day, hot, dry, and windy conditions are expected throughout the fire area, but monsoonal moisture could bring light to heavy precipitation in the late afternoon.