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Actualizacin Sobre El Incendio De Oak Ridge Lunes 07 01 2024

Related Incident: Oak Ridge Fire
Publication Type: News

Una reunión comunitaria está programada para las 6:30 p.m. esta noche en Good Pasture Barn, ubicado en 7970 CO-78 en Beulah. Fuegos administradores, representantes del Servicio Forestal de EE. UU. y el condado de Pueblo estarán presentes para brindar información sobre la situación actual y actividad futura de incendios, y abordar preguntas de la comunidad.

Los responsables de los incendios confían en que la línea de contención se mantendrá al oeste de Beulah y señalaron que el incendio actualmente alcanza el cinco por ciento contenidos. El porcentaje de contención puede disminuir cuando comienzan las operaciones estratégicas contra incendios y aumentan la superficie del incendio. Los porcentajes de contención están determinados por la cantidad de línea de fuego contenida en relación con los acres totales del incendio. Se implementarán operaciones estratégicos de disparo, para eliminar combustibles cuando las condiciones permiten una intensidad baja.

Situación Actual: Hoy, temprano, los bomberos completarán la construcción de una línea indirecta de topadoras hacia el norte debajo de North Creek en la División. Los bomberos están preparando y mejorando las líneas de fuego por el Second Mace Trail, al oeste del área de Soldier Park, hasta el parque de Potato Mountain. Se espera que este proceso va a durar unos días en completarse. Las cuadrillas están trabajando en el acceso sendero, al suroeste de la planta de filtración, hasta el Second Mace Trail. El personal del servicio médico de emergencia, está ayudando a los bomberos a explorar y identificar rutas de evacuación, que reducirían los tiempos de transporte.

Los bomberos construirán una línea de control para unir la línea de topadoras de Silver Circle Trail, al lado noroeste del perímetro del incendio en la División U. Una línea de control es una línea temporal que funciona como una línea retardante para ganar tiempo mientras los bomberos completan la línea de fuego primaria.El equipo de protección de estructuras terminó el trabajo en Beulah Highlands, Middle Fork y North Creek. Ellos Comenzarán operaciones de protección de estructuras, en el área de Fairview, y al norte a lo largo del corredor oeste de Hwy 165. Las cuadrillas continuarán monitoreando dónde están las protecciones de las estructuras.

Información Sobre el Clima y El Humo: Es posible que haya lluvias dispersas durante la mañana con vientos ligeros, del oeste al noroeste, entre 3 y 8 mph. Las tormentas que se desarrollen en la tarde, pueden producir breves aguaceros fuertes y ráfagas de viento a 40 mph. El Programa Interinstitucional de Respuesta a la Calidad del Aire contra Incendios Forestales de EE. UU. ahora está produciendo un informe diario de perspectivas de humo, específico para el centro sur de Colorado y el incendio de Oak Ridge. Puede leer y descargar Outlook en

 Cierres: Middle Creek Road está cerrada. El Distrito de Guardabosques de San Carlos de los Bosques Nacionales Pike y San Isabel emitió un cierre de área, sendero y carretera a partir del 26 de junio de 2024. Vaya a para leer y descargar todo el pedido.

Evacuaciones: Las casas a lo largo de Middle Creek Canyon Road están bajo evacuación obligatoria. Los siguientes se encuentran en estado de evacuación previa: Vine Mesa, Cascade Ave., Pine Ave. y Beulah Highlands Rd. Vaya a para obtener toda la información sobre evacuación.

Restricciones de vuelo temporales: existe una restricción de vuelo temporal sobre el área del incendio. Si USTED VUELA, nosotros NO PODEMOS. No vuele, ni opere sus propios drones en esta área, ya que impedirá los esfuerzos de extinción de incendios y dejará en tierra nuestras aeronaves.


Línea telefónica de información sobre incendios: 719-315-1536           Horario: 7:00 a. m. a 7:00 p. m.

Facebook: @OakRidgeFire2024                                                            Correo electrónico:




Basin Fire Daily Update for July 1 2024 07 01 2024

Related Incident: Basin Fire
Publication Type: News

Basin Fire Update

Monday, July 1, 2024

Fire Information: 559-468-6809, 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. 


Facebook: @SierraNF

PEOPLE AND EQUIPMENT: 879 personnel, 23 crews, 51 engines & 7 helicopters. 

CURRENT SITUATION: The Basin Fire northeast of Fresno is currently at 12,631 acres and 0% containment. The fire is burning primarily in dry, dense grass within the Rough Fire scar from 2015. 

The majority of fire growth yesterday occurred on the western edge and northwest corner of the fire. Crews were able to access the western flank of the fire directly from the recently improved road and were able to contain a spot fire that started near Lower Rancheria Creek, tying it in with the main body of the fire. Bulldozers have constructed a contingency line west of the fire, which will tie in with existing roads to form fuel breaks around the west and north of the fire. Fire crossed the control line on the northern edge of the fire near Rogers Ridge, but firefighters were able contain it quickly. There was no movement on the southern edge of the fire, which continues to hold along the Kings River corridor. Three spike camps have been set up closer to the fire perimeter, which will allow crews to overnight near the fire, reducing travel time and allowing them to spend more time on the fire line. 

While the weather today is expected to follow the same trend as the last several days with highs of 87-93, a heat wave is expected tomorrow, bringing hotter temperatures and lower relative humidities throughout the week. An excessive heat warning will be in effect Tuesday through Monday.

The Basin Fire started on June 26th and the cause is currently under investigation. Currently, the fire is burning at 2000-4500 elevation, northeast of Pine Flat Lake, west of the Spanish Mountain, south of Black Rock Rd (11S012) and north of the South Fork of the Kings River. 

EVACUATIONS: There is a mandatory evacuation order for Fresno County zones K29, K30, K31 and K40. Evacuation warnings are in effect for zones K41, K61, K166, and K76. Please check the Fresno County Evacuation map:

FOREST CLOSURE and FIRE RESTRICTIONS for the Basin Fire: To ensure the safety of the public and our firefighters, The Sierra National Forest has issued a Temporary Partial Forest Closure for the Basin Fire area. Effective June 30, 2024, the closure will remain in effect until July 30, 2024. We urge the public to respect all closure signs and barriers and to avoid the area to prevent any potential accidents or interference with firefighting efforts. Sierra National Forest has also implemented new temporary fire restrictions prohibiting campfires, welding, and smoking in non-developed campsites. Visit for more information or call the Sierra National Forest (559) 297-0706 during business hours for questions.

FOREST VISITORS:  This Forest Closure may affect YOU.  The following campgrounds are CLOSED due to this fire:  Bear Wallow Campground, Black Rock Campground, Gravel Flat Group Campground, Kirch Flat Campground, Kirch Flat Group Campground, Oak Flat Campground, Ross Crossing Campground, Sawmill Flat Campground.    Please check the Sierra National Forest webpage address listed above for the map of the closure area.  Roads and trails in this area are closed.

The National Weather Service has issued an EXCESSIVE HEAT warning from July 2nd to July 8th: this is a long duration, high impact and dangerous heat wave. 

AIR QUALITY is being impacted by Basin Fire smoke.  Please check the air quality for your destination at  Today’s Smoke Outlook is attached.

McDonald Fire Update Monday July 1 2024 07 01 2024

Related Incident: McDonald Fire
Publication Type: News

Thick Smoke Helps Temper McDonald Fire Behavior

Size:  160,818 acres 
Personnel:  96
Start Date: June 8, 2024
Cause:  Lightning

FAIRBANKS, Alaska – The McDonald Fire was active on Sunday, gaining another 15,000 acres. Winds were gusty in the afternoon as thunderstorms moved around the area. Fire activity slowed later in the afternoon when the layer of smoke thickened and settled over the fire. 

Crews are making progress on structure protection and securing direct line through tree cutting and stacking, gridding, and mopping up heat. Firefighters continue to scout and construct secondary line and patrol the river corridor for any sign of flanking or spotting beyond the perimeter.

Alaska moved to Preparedness Level 5 on Sunday night at 8 p.m. Level 5 is the highest level of preparedness and reflects extreme fire conditions, a high number of fires on the landscape, and the number of people dedicated to firefighting. A higher preparedness level designation helps make more national federal and state resources available to Alaska.

Weather: Scattered rain showers are possible Monday morning with isolated afternoon thunderstorms. Temperatures are cooler with southwest winds. Early this week there is an expected weather shift to cooler temperatures and higher chances of wetting rain.

Burn Permits:  The Division of Forestry and Fire Protection has issued Burn Permit Suspensions for Fairbanks, Salcha, Delta, Tok, and Railbelt areas. The fire danger in these areas remains HIGH. Please check or call the burn permit hotline for the Fairbanks Area Forestry at (907) 451-2631 for the most current updates.

Air Quality:  Sunday, following a week of poor air, the region saw the most significant smoke of this fire season. The air quality was Unhealthy to Hazardous much of the day and overnight. Fluctuating visibility dropped to less than 1 mile, impacting aviation and roadways. The conditions are slowly improving Monday morning as southwesterly winds and scattered showers begin to clear the air. With multiple fires around the Interior, expect to continue to see increased periods of smoke, especially overnight in communities that are downwind with the southwest flow. Stronger winds on Tuesday will bring more widespread improvement. Fairbanks Memorial Hospital (1650 Cowles Street) has clean-air rooms available for people impacted by smoke open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Find information on how to protect yourself from wildfire smoke at the Smoke Management page on

Evacuation Notices:  A Level 2: SET evacuation notice is in effect for the approximately 20 cabins near the fire’s southeastern edge, west of the Tanana River. The communities east of the Tanana River are in READY status, including the Johnson Road neighborhoods, Canaday, Harding Lake, Salcha, the lower Salcha River, Hollies Acres, and south to Birch Lake. Find more information and an interactive map of these areas on the Fairbanks North Star Borough Emergency Services website.

Temporary Flight Restriction:  New temporary flight restrictions were requested Sunday evening and a TFR is pending to help ensure safe aviation operations.



Bureau of Land Management, Alaska Fire Service, 
P.O. Box 35005, 1541 Gaffney Road, Fort Wainwright, AK 99703

Need public domain imagery to complement news coverage of the BLM Alaska Fire Service in Alaska? Visit our Flickr channel! Learn more at, and on Facebook and Twitter.


The Bureau of Land Management Alaska Fire Service (AFS) located at Fort Wainwright, Alaska, provides wildland fire suppression services for over 240 million acres of Department of the Interior and Native Corporation Lands in Alaska. In addition, AFS has other statewide responsibilities that include: interpretation of fire management policy; oversight of the BLM Alaska Aviation program; fuels management projects; and operating and maintaining advanced communication and computer systems such as the Alaska Lightning Detection System. AFS also maintains a National Incident Support Cache with a $18.1 million inventory. The Alaska Fire Service provides wildland fire suppression services for America’s “Last Frontier” on an interagency basis with the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources, USDA Forest Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the U.S. Military in Alaska.

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Spanish Language Pioneer Fire Update Versin en espaol 07 01 2024

Related Incident: Pioneer
Publication Type: News

El incendio Pioneer arde en los espacios naturales de Lake Chelan-Sawtooth, en el Distrito de guardabosques de Chelan del Bosque Nacional Okanogan-Wenatchee y en un terreno privado a 31 millas al noroeste de Chelan. Las comunidades de Stehekin, Chelan y Manson se encuentran abiertas y siguen recibiendo visitantes. Para la venidera semana de día festivo se espera una actividad limitada de humo y fuego. Los directores del incendio están utilizando estrategias y tácticas con la mayor probabilidad de éxito, mientras que consideran los riesgos para los trabajadores de primera línea y el público.

Ayer, los bomberos continuaron el trabajo de proteger las estructuras a lo largo de la orilla del lago hacia Stehekin. Lograron buen progreso al abrir líneas de mano preexistentes hacia Rainbow Falls, eliminando la vegetación y material quemable. El domingo, las cuadrillas se concentraron en mejorar Prince Creek como característica natural de retención al eliminar la vegetación a lo largo del arroyo. Un helicóptero dejó un equipo de rappel de ocho miembros de la cuenca Meadow Creek. Esta es la primera oportunidad que han tenido de atacar directamente el fuego. El equipo trabajó cerca del borde del incendio, mejorando un sitio de aterrizaje para helicópteros y comenzaron a construir una línea de mano. Se siguen reforzando las líneas de contingencia lago abajo. Los bomberos han completado la nivelación de Black Canyon Road, y ayer se centraron en mejorar los sistemas de carreteras al eliminar árboles y arbustos peligrosos. Las cuadrillas también mejoraron dos millas de Gold Creek Road. La lluvia durante la noche y las condiciones nubladas frescas este fin de semana pasado disminuyeron el comportamiento y la propagación del fuego y redujeron los efectos del humo.

Hoy, las cuadrillas continuarán removiendo vegetación y material inflamable de las líneas de mano preexistentes desde Boulder Creek hasta Rainbow Falls en el área de Stehekin. También continuarán protegiendo y evaluando las estructuras. Lago abajo, los bomberos continuarán abriendo la antigua línea de topadoras en la cima de la cresta al este de Lake Chelan. Las operaciones aéreas continuarán dirigiendo su atención a los focos de calor y apoyando a los bomberos.

CLIMA: Se espera que sigan las temperaturas y la humedad moderadas, con una tendencia de calentamiento y sequía que avanzará hacia el día festivo. Los vientos lago abajo continuarán debido el aumento de los vientos en la parte superior de la cresta. Las perspectivas para la calidad del aire se pueden ver en Obtenga más información sobre el humo en

EVACUACIONES: No han cambiado los niveles de evacuación. Visite para obtener más información.

CIERRES: El Bosque Nacional Okanogan-Wenatchee tiene en efecto un cierre en las áreas de Lake Chelan-Sawtooth Wilderness y sus alrededores. Los detalles, incluidos los mapas, están disponibles en: abiertos y accesibles muchos sitios de recreación.

Pioneer Fire Update 07 01 2024

Related Incident: Pioneer
Publication Type: News

The Pioneer Fire is burning in the Lake Chelan-Sawtooth Wilderness Area on the Chelan Ranger District of the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest and on private land 31 miles northwest of Chelan. The communities of Stehekin, Chelan, and Manson continue to welcome visitors, with limited smoke and minimal fire activity expected for the coming holiday week. Pioneer Fire managers are using a full-suppression firefighting strategy to protect private property, infrastructure, and resources, while minimizing risks to responders and the public.  

Firefighters continued structure protection work along the lakeshore towards Stehekin yesterday. They made good progress opening preexisting handlines towards Rainbow Falls, removing vegetation and burnable materials. On Sunday, crews focused on improving Prince Creek as a natural holding feature by removing vegetation along the creek. A helicopter delivered an eight-member rappel crew into the Meadow Creek drainage. This is the first opportunity fire managers have had to directly attack the fire. The crew worked near the fire’s edge, improving a helicopter landing site location and beginning to construct handline. Down lake, contingency lines continue to be reinforced. Firefighters have completed grading on the Black Canyon Road, and focused yesterday on improving road systems by removing hazardous trees and brush. Crews also improved two miles of Gold Creek Road. Overnight precipitation and cool cloudy conditions this past weekend moderated the fire behavior and spread and reduced smoke impacts.  

Today, crews will continue clearing vegetation and burnable materials from preexisting handlines from Boulder Creek to Rainbow Falls in the Stehekin area. They will also continue structure protection and assessments. Down Lake, firefighters will continue to clear and open up historic dozer line on the ridgetop east of Lake Chelan. Air operations will continue to address hot spots and support firefighters. 

WEATHER: Expect continued moderate temperatures and humidity, with a warming and drying trend progressing toward the holiday. Down lake winds will continue with increased ridge top winds. The air quality outlook is at Learn more about smoke at 

EVACUATIONS: Evacuation levels have not changed. Visit for more information. 

CLOSURE: The Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest has a closure in place for the Lake Chelan-Sawtooth Wilderness and surrounding areas. Further details, including maps, are available at: Many recreation sites remain open and accessible. 

Oak Ridge Fire Update 07 01 2024

Related Incident: Oak Ridge Fire
Publication Type: News

A community meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. tonight at the Grandpasture Barn located at 7970 CO-78 in Beulah. Fire
managers, representatives from the U.S. Forest Service, and Pueblo County will be present to provide information on current
and future fire activity and address community questions.

Fire managers are confident that the containment line will hold west of Beulah and noted that the fire is currently five percent
contained. The containment percentage may decrease when strategic fire operations begin and increase the fire’s acreage.
Containment percentages are determined by the amount of contained fire line relative to the total acres of the fire. Strategic
firing operations are implemented to remove fuels when conditions allow for low intensity.

Current Situation
Firefighters will complete construction of indirect dozer line to the north below North Creek in Division A early today.

Firefighters are prepping and improving fire lines along the Second Mace Trail as they progress to the west from the Soldier
Park area toward Potato Mountain. This process is expected to take a few days to complete. Crews are working on the access
trail southwest of the filtration plant to the Second Mace Trail. Emergency medical service personnel are assisting firefighters to scout and identify evacuation routes that would reduce transport times.

Firefighters will construct a checkline to tie in the dozer line off Silver Circle Trail to the northwest side of the fire perimeter in Division U. A checkline is a temporary line that functions like a retardant line to buy time while firefighters complete the
primary fireline.

The structure protection crew finished work in Beulah Highlands, Middle Fork and North Creek. They will begin structure
protection operations in the Fairview area and north along the Hwy 165 corridor west. Crews will continue monitoring where
structure protection is in place.

Weather & Smoke Information: Scattered showers are possible during the morning with light west to northwest winds
ranging 3-8 mph. Thunderstorms developing throughout the afternoon may produce brief heavy downpours and wind gusts up to 40 mph.

The U.S. Interagency Wildland Fire Air Quality Response Program is now producing a daily smoke outlook report specific to
south central Colorado and the Oak Ridge Fire. You can read and download the outlook by going to

Closures: The Middle Creek Road is closed. The San Carlos Ranger District of the Pike and San Isabel National Forests issued
an area, trail and road closure effective June 26, 2024. Go to to read and download the entire order. 

Evacuations: Homes along the Middle Creek Canyon Road are under a mandatory evacuation. The following are in a preevacuation status: Vine Mesa, Cascade Ave., Pine Ave., and Beulah Highlands Rd. Go to for all
evacuation information.

Temporary Flight Restrictions: There is a 24-hour Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) over the fire area. If you FLY, we
CAN’T. Do not fly or operate your own drones in this area, as it will impede firefighting efforts and ground our aircraft.

Fire Information Phoneline: 719-315-1536 Time: 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Facebook: @OakRidgeFire2024 Email:

Oak Ridge Fire Smoke Outlook 07 01 2024

Related Incident: Oak Ridge Fire
Publication Type: Announcement

Fire - The Oak Ridge fire is at 1190 acres with 0 percent
containment. It still remains three miles northwest of

Smoke - With very minimal fire activity yesterday due to moisture on
the fire and continued cloud cover we will see GOOD air
quality in Beulah area today. The weather forecast for
Beulah shows temperatures increasing with winds out of the
East- Southeast later in the week. We will expect smoke in
the area late into the evenings as winds decrease and
cooler evening temperatures allow the smoke to settle down
drainages below the fire. Canyon City, Westcliffe, Wetmore,
Pueblo, and Colorado City areas will have GOOD air quality

Update Boulder View Fire 07 01 2024

Related Incident: Boulder View Fire
Publication Type: News

Highlights: All evacuations were lifted, and communities returned to READY status as of 5 p.m. Sunday. The Central West Zone Type 3 Incident Management Team has assumed command of the Boulder View Fire that is under the jurisdiction of the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management and the Tonto National Forest. 

Summary: Fire crews focused on mopping up and improving control lines across the fire area Sunday. Containment increased to 63% while the total acreage remained the same at 3,711. To the north, crews isolated hot spots and began removing hoses used in initial attack. Firefighters on the west side increased containment along the Powerline Road south of Bartlett Dam Road. Crews on the south side of the fire made containment progress across the southern edge of the fire area just north of the McDowell Sonoran Preserve. The Camp Creek drainage on the southeast corner of the fire continues to hold heat. 

Today, crews will continue improving firelines and mopping up further into the interior of the fire. Fire crews currently assigned to the Boulder View Fire will be ready to assist the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management and the Tonto National Forest with any new fires as the Fourth of July approaches. 

Stage 1 Fire Restrictions are in effect across the entire Tonto. For more information, visit 

Bartlett Dam Road and Horseshoe Dam Road are now open as of Monday morning. Bartlett and Horseshoe Lake recreation sites are accessible. There is a current closure order for forest roads off Bartlett Dam Road from the Wildcat Fire. To get the most up-to-date information and news about the Tonto, follow them on X @TontoForest and Facebook @TontoNationalForest.  

The McDowell Sonoran Preserve reopened trailheads Monday. For more information, visit

Weather: The forecast shows southwest winds throughout the morning, high temperatures up to 101 degrees and the potential for afternoon thunderstorms. Thunderstorms can make firefighting efforts more complicated due to gusty winds and lightning strikes.  

Safety: The health and safety of firefighters and the public are always the highest priority. Please avoid the area while crews conduct fire suppression operations. The public is urged to sign up for the Maricopa County Emergency Notification System. The system allows you to be quickly notified of emergency evacuations. To learn more about the Arizona Emergency Information Network visit: Firefighting aircraft and drones are a dangerous combination. Drones in the area could lead to accidents or slow down wildfire suppression operations. If you fly…we can’t.


Start Date: Thursday, June 27, 2024

Cause: Human, Under investigation

Location: 5 miles east of Carefree

Acres: 3,711 – Containment: 63%

Personnel Assigned: 244

Evacuation: All residences returned to READY status.

Resources: 4 Handcrews, 15 Engines, 2 Water tenders, and 3 Helicopters


Incident Information

Twitter: @azstateforestry:

Facebook: Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management:

Media/Public Phone: 480-581-1094

Ready, Set, Go:

Bartlett Dam and Horseshoe Dam roads reopened 07 01 2024

Related Incident: Boulder View Fire
Publication Type: Announcement

Bartlett Dam Road and Horseshoe Dam Road are now open as of Monday morning. Bartlett and Horseshoe Lake recreation sites are accessible. There is a current closure order for forest roads off Bartlett Dam Road from the Wildcat Fire. To get the most up-to-date information and news about the Tonto, follow them on X @TontoForest and Facebook @TontoNationalForest

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